Thursday, October 7, 2010
















一晃就是8年,在这8年里他尝尽了人世间的悲欢离合。 有一天他下山,恰巧遇到了那姑娘的丫鬟,得知小姐在这8年里也一直等着他,因为日思夜想,长久下来得了相思病,茶饭不思。







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真是造物弄人,哎!世间情爱就是如此啊!爱到深处天地动。可是,书生决心修道得正果. 姑娘在冥界等了他九世,也没遇见他,终于她变成了一座石桥。





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Thursday, September 2, 2010












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Tuesday, July 27, 2010






年与时驰,意与岁去, 遂成枯落,多不接世。


















诸葛亮忠告孩子要计划人生,不要事事 讲求名利,才能够了解自己的志向,要静下来,才能够细心计划将来。






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心理学家说: 思想影响行为,行为影响习惯,习惯影响性格,性格影响命运。

诸葛亮明白生命 中要作出种种平衡,要「励精」,也要「冶性」。



诸葛亮忠告孩子时光飞逝,意志力又会随着时间消磨,「少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲」,「时间管理」是个现代人的观念,细心想一想, 时间不可以被管理,每天二十四小时,不多也不少,惟有管理自己,善用每分每秒。



诸葛亮忠告孩子时光 飞逝,当自己变得和世界脱节,才悲叹蹉跎岁月,也于事无补。





Wednesday, July 21, 2010






















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Monday, July 5, 2010













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Thursday, June 24, 2010



这话听来匪夷所思,但心理学博士汪冰指出,通过技巧和方法,大下属和小上司完全能够达成良好互动。高情商的大下属不但有能力保持自己的话语权,甚至有间接 “领导”自己的上司的能力。前提是——认可共同的目标。



窍门是,接纳这件事,而不是接纳具体某个人。把注意力放在事上,就会发现,你不是老总,因 此总会有人当你上司。


不懂 接纳的人,会觉得80后毁了自己的全部!

消除防御 释放“安全信号”

下属对上司心怀敌意,上司就要就处处体现领导的权力和能量。双方都对对方充满警惕,根本无法良性沟通。因此,设法和小上司达成良性沟通,解除双方的防御是 第一步。


“赵赵,你当我们的领导了,太好了!这下我们可以把更多可操作的销售手段好好发挥一下了!”“赵赵,不要担心,我会把我的经验和你分享的,有什么难处大家 一起商量!”


间接参与管理 和小上司共赢


你需要灵感和新点子,他需要丰富的工作经验。当你以开放的心态去和小上司分享工作经验时,你们的合作会迸 发出强大的能量,小上司也会因此信任和依赖你。


甚至,不知不觉 间,你已经间接参与到企业管理中,用另一种方式扮演着上司的角色。


当你的帮助得到小上司的高度认可,并对你的意见高度尊重 时,你这个下属是不是已经在用积极的方式领导你的上司,一起共赢了呢?

专家解读:汪冰 北京大学医学学士 北京大学精神卫生博士


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上司摆谱 示威还是示弱?


她升职后变了,不再跟同事说笑,总板着脸,业余时 间跟同事故意疏远。同事很看不上她这一点:当了上司就摆谱?

专家解答:很多人都这样认为:摆谱实际就是耍威风呗!为什么耍威风?因为不自信,所以要装呗!没错,当了领导就摆谱,从内心根源上正是不自信的表现。但有 意思的是,如果问赵赵,她是故意摆谱吗?她一定回答:不是!


赵赵用距离、用尽 可能少的沟通回避被发现,最终表达方式变成了“摆谱”。作为80后,当赵赵从平级升到上级,其实并没准备好,她是恐惧和不自信的,她猜测周围的人对她有敌 意。























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Thursday, June 10, 2010





1. Inconsolata


在发现它之后,3秒迅速改变了Deja Vu Sans Mono作为我默认编程字体的情况。从终端窗口到代码编辑器,我让它无处不在。它的风格非常独特。设计它的时候就已经把锯齿消除了,就算是非常小的时候也很清晰—真正的情况是它适合于任何大小。

2. Consolas

Consolas是商业字体,它是Luc(as) de Groot为微软ClearType字体家族设计的,与微软很多产品绑定在一起,所以幸运的是可能你的系统上已经有它的存在了。如果你在不消除锯齿的情况下使用它,那还不如使用Courier吧!

3. Deja Vu Sans Mono

Deja Vu 是我最喜欢的免费字体家族之一,基于Vera字体家族。Deja Vu已经能够支持更多的字符了,并保持了Vera的外观和感觉。适于任何大小,只要你消除锯齿。

4. Droid Sans Mono

Droid 字体家族 适合手机等小屏幕的移动平台,比如Android。它在Apache许可证下授权。伟大的编程字体,在我列出的等宽字体中它是最突出的一个。

5. Proggy

Proggy是一种很干净的等宽字体,貌似受到很多 Windows用户的青睐,在Mac上它同样工作正常。使用它一般把字体调小点,不要消除锯齿。

6. Monofur

Monofur是一种独特的等宽字体,各种大小看起来都非常不错,前提是你已经设置为消除锯齿。这种字体的外观比较独特,看着它容易让你想起上世纪八十年代Sun的Solaris(SunOS)上的 OPENLOOK窗口管理器。如果你喜欢新鲜的东西,你可以试一下这种字体,再次提示一下:消除锯齿。

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7. Profont

Profont是一种类Monaco的位图字体,你能够在Mac, Windows和Linux上面使用,Mac平台的ProFontX就是它的修改版,当然两个字体并非出自同一作者之手。如果使用它,你把字体调小一点为好。而且如果你是非Mac平台,它是Monaco的最佳替代者。如果你喜欢微小字体或者喜欢眼疲劳,你可以考虑一下它。

8. Monaco


9. Andale Mono


10. Courier

基本上所有的系统都自带了此种字体,有时候它又以Courier New的名字出现。不幸的是很多终端和编辑器都默认使用此种字体,虽然这不会影响使用,但这会影响心情,它太枯燥了。以前看到这样一句评论:久不见牡丹会以仙人掌为美。这句评论形Courier字体非常合适。所以如果你还有其他选择的话,请勿使用此字体。更不幸的事情是最后你还是会继续使用它,那3秒只能强烈建议你调整一下字体大小并消除锯齿。

Sunday, May 23, 2010

What’s ups technology?

ups power

UPS (uninterruptible power supply) is used to provide electricity for 50-30 minutes while power following.

First Blackout: total failure for a specified period

a second voltage drop: Put a little time.

Say 3rd: Go to a very short below

There are two types of UPS, as follows:
First Standby UPS:

It is the power that the primary source of energy directly on your device.

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(Main power connector, secondary battery)
2nd Inline UPS:

Provides the power of the battery, which is connected to the power source on your computer.

(The main battery, secondary)

Sunday, May 9, 2010




















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Monday, April 26, 2010



本文由offshore company独家赞助播出,版权归virtual office所有. All rights Hong Kong company Reserved. 欢迎转载,转载请保存出处。

Friday, April 16, 2010


百慕大,香港台湾地区称作百慕达,旧称萨默斯岛.英语称作the Bermuda Island.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Facebook has been proposed layout of the year into China two years ago

April 7, according to the East Guardian reported that the foreign social networking site Facebook's fastest three months, will officially enter the Chinese market, but it is not clear Facebook this plan details.

Facebook surpass Google as the largest U.S. Web site

It is understood that the last two years Facebook thunder increasing prevalence of this year, in February Facebook usher in 6-year-old birthday, CEO says Web site subscribers will reach 400 million, of which mobile phone to access their service users from last September's 65 million to grow to 100 million , accounting for total number of users of 25%.

According to multi-party information, is expected to Facebook last year's revenue of about 5.5 billion U.S. dollars, the actual situation will be better this year, revenue or 1 billion and 11 billion. This year in March the middle, the Internet traffic monitoring agency Hitwise is publishing the report, social networking site Facebook's traffic in the U.S. website the total traffic in the proportion of 7.07%, exceed Google become the largest site.

Previously, Facebook in 2006, has rejected Yahoo's 650 million pounds of the takeover bid, and subsequently rejected Microsoft's worth at least 5.25 billion pounds of the takeover offer. August 2007, Microsoft spent 240 million U.S. dollars acquisition of Facebook 1.6% stake in the transaction on Facebook valued at 15 billion U.S. dollars.
Now analysts expect, Facebook is actively preparing for an initial public offering (IPO) related matters, is expected to submit a listing application in time may be sooner than expected. Facebook listing market is expected to reach 100 billion U.S. dollars, setting the last two years IPO financing the most.

Two years ago, the fates got tied to China

It is reported that, Facebook and China fates got tied to the original from 2007, when the Facebook registration under the. Cn domain name, in June 2008, this SNS site also launched a simplified Chinese version, making Fang Jian once be exposed Facebook will be the year into China's hearsay.

Today, Facebook competitor MySpace has entered the mainland market, Facebook in China Taiwan regional markets also very eye-catching, relying on the famous online game "Happy Farm", squeeze under the Wretch, becoming Taiwan's second-largest Web site. But so far, Facebook is still hovering in the Mainland market.

The industry believes that once Facebook into China, also means that the world's most famous social networking site into the world's most promising Internet market. This is bound in the Chinese Internet market caused a great uproar.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Advertisers do not worry about spending money to do some Google Agents For Transformation

Google China to "avoid off from Hong Kong" event is still in the air. Google China's call yesterday, all 27 agents, of which 10 striking the same statement: "Our business as usual, ad as usual." But there are also agents admitted that the incident caused by a small number of Google ads loss, the company is trying to transformation.

Agents stand:

And Google will continue to co - offshore company

"Just go to the Hong Kong server, the domain name has changed jump, advertising and presentation of the business as usual." Rushed Network Technology Company Limited Shanghai Office, said Mr Wong. Shanghai Sky-tech Information Technology Co., Ltd. Ms. Zhao is also the media sector, said: "Because of Google's sales and technical teams remain in the mainland, to continue to provide support for us, even now only affect the service speed, but it absolutely does not affect the search results, so ad will not be affected. "" Business could be so stable, is because we have long and Google to communicate, and have been prepared. "Hu Yi Network Technology Co., Ltd. Ningbo Marketing Mr Lau said. However, some agents said that Google did not know until this move, this has also been deeply concerned. "23, had been nervous before, but after 23 he is not worried, because Google made it clear they would maintain the agent of all business." Shenzhen Win-off Time Network Limited also holds the same attitude: "We believe that everything is OK . "

All agents were interviewed said they will continue and Google co-operation, at least in the next few months will not change.

Advertising drain:

Some agents try to transition

Nevertheless, there are three agents acknowledged that the incident led to a small amount of Google advertisers lost. However, the Shanghai speedy Tang said: "We have more than 20000 clients, exit is also an isolated phenomenon, current customer and stable." Co., Ltd., Jinan, search online advertising service hotline staff stressed: "There are few customer's request to withdraw ads We explain clearly to customers, can not jump and Google out of domain names equate the mainland. They also understand that this is just a storm. "

Agents are also worried about the future business development. "Profit-making will surely decline. It is because customers certainly have concerns, they will question our agent identity, doubt that we taken our money, not being effective. For these customers, on the one hand we have to ensure that business as usual to dispel their concerns, and because We are on hand there are also other search engines cooperation projects can be made to some of these customers to promote integration of packaging operations, such as for web optimization. "anonymity of the market, a sector staff somewhat reluctantly said," We are now also being try transformation. "

Charles Zhang: Sogou already took aim at Google share of the

It is understood that other domestic search engines have already locked in Google's market share following the withdrawal in preparation incorporated Google's agents. Sohu CEO Charles Zhang, Chairman of the Board and Chief said yesterday that as early as in January, Google announced consider withdrawing after the dogs began to search and Google's advertising agency negotiations, including the Transfer policies to lower the capital accounts, keywords, put interface, the details of transfer problem, in principle, is "how much the takeover could take over the number."

Google's understanding of the value of

March 23, in the search business, Google turned the decision on the Before the announcement, Reuters reported that the U.S. State Department spokesman Crowley in the morning at a press conference drew reporters attention to "Google will deliver a strong signal," while he also clearly alerted the media, "This does not mean that the U.S. State Department has prior knowledge of the contents of the signal." company formation However, the disclosure of relevant reports, both in January 2010 or March 2010, the entire nodes in various key events before and after the company ahead of Google's own decision to the U.S. State Department briefing. Among the many U.S. companies, there is such a special high-tech companies used the Internet, one of the few.

More interesting is the March 23 statement, after Google announced a very rare by the White House National Security Council spokesman Hammer come out a brief statement issued in the routine expressed regret at the attitude of the Chinese government, he reference to "Sino-US relations have matured enough to face each other's differences in a frank," while the Chinese Foreign Ministry was also issued a similar statement that "Google events were the case, should not be linked with the Sino-US relations" and explicitly put forward the "to avoid its politicization" warning.

From the incident occurred, the process of development point of view, facing domestic political pressure to fight for the human rights issue personal, partisan political speculative demand scores for groups with specific political demands of ongoing activities, to seek funding, political support, and company decision-making team the concept of internal differences, is to promote the whole affair into tension, confrontation and even the complete edge of the negative forces a showdown. For now, with the initial clearance medical reform program, as well as the gradual warming and more extensive and far-reaching impact of the exchange rate - the gradual economic and trade issues occupied the media perspective, in the next phase of the incident continues to Google an important driving force for political decay are gradually ; on Google itself, in the final analysis, as a need to achieve shareholder expectations and the pursuit of economic return "company", for the time being seem to have found a balance between profits and human rights activities of the organization to the cross and there is no substantive damage to China caused by a compromise choice; the whole development of the situation should gradually come to a turning point may be gradually subsided.

For the future development of Sino-US relations point of view, Google event of great significance and value, it indicates that the balance of forces in the Sino-US mutual change in the context of ongoing, more and more time to have leaders of both sides be able to remain rational and calm manner frank and handle their differences, these differences in a specific and important matter of national interest, both the pure and idealistic can not deny their existence, nor can it stage by virtue of the relative strength of their own superiority forced forward, seeking "winner-take-all", let alone by one-sided compromises to achieve a compromise with the unprincipled.

Google Exit: Baidu when singing the Internationale?

From the beginning to pay attention last week or this week, Google announced the closure of a search site in China, online news, this week, one morning made a special open Google. Cn tried the Chinese search site, work continues. However, outside of speculation finally became a reality Wednesday. However, the withdrawal did not expect Google tweaks like this: To go further left, transfer to Hong Kong. Once again confirms my understanding of American society, the actual doctrine. Oh, and the Chinese government to play this game pediatrician, a bit funny. Google made the reasons for and timing of this incident, I also feel a little strange that. This is a political or business in the moral principles, setting aside.

Speaking of Google, in fact, offshore company was more loyal users. Today, after the transfer of deliberately tried the Google Chinese search results, web old mistakes. Do not know if this is not a new server load is too large to respond to, but suddenly, causing the. Later I still can not be the only Google as my search tool commonly used is unknown. I love Google not because I need to Google search for any "inappropriate" information. As for those months pornography, even without Google, it seems as long as they are also not immune to the Internet is also often hide, often to the Internet can be occasional. Like Google, mainly because of the Internet in English of the original word for keyword search a number of technical information, it can put the page in English and Chinese with the results returned to me, and returns the results in front of a few pages are like this both in Chinese and some English material. In fact, today I also tried the, if I use the Google search site, then France, China, Britain and France, the language information will be returned to me, so I can be relatively easy access to domestic and foreign counterparts related to the article. Also relatively easy to find technology-related articles original side. Of course, if carried out with a simple Google search in Chinese, which returns the results I am very satisfied, including the Map Search. So, I have been accustomed to using Google search. In fact, the past practice of using or website. As it is I will automatically jump to the Chinese site is still in Singapore Web site I have not too much attention.

Perhaps in the future I need to use different languages in different search sites, and the Chinese look on Baidu, and the rest will remain Google, the new must be (Bing) can do a backup remains to be seen. Speaking of Baidu, but it is still a good search engine, but only for Chinese search, or is limited to a single in addition to English language information search. Using English words as keywords, looking forward to receiving in English and Chinese, or including more relevant information in other languages mixed satisfaction with search returned no results, Baidu is really impossible, even in my advanced settings set up English-language search is not OK, the plain return are the Chinese data, or at least standing in the front I have the patience to see the return of results pages are like this. Today, I tried the Bing, and Baidu a sample.

Suddenly think, ah, perhaps the provision of services Baidu's international outlook is not enough reason for a strong bar. Reflected not only in the search results returned, is in business to carry out, the seem content to stick to the Chinese mainland market, have not heard of any major efforts into Europe and the United States search market. Is the Chinese elite, as one by the sea turtles in charge of the listed companies, ambitions limited to this? In many mainland enterprises have rushed wear shoulder rub palm to the world's time? I would like to support you, Baidu, but please satisfy my needs in your career search.

Google search out of the mainland market, Baidu was solid dark horse Tencent National Cheng Kung University

Offshore company website: March 25 news from the company announced in January it would stop the search beginning of the examination content filtering, Google shares have tumbled more than 6%, the company released a statement Monday, after the re-ended down 2.5 U.S. dollars. On the other hand, Google search out of the mainland market, for many search companies have created market space, including Baidu, Tencent, search dogs, have been regarded as an important winner in the market.

Market participants estimated that the market came from the "Google search out of the mainland market", the Baidu's market value has increased by 10.3 billion U.S. dollars, relatively speaking, Google market value of the loss of 7 billion U.S. dollars. Baidu shares gained 10.07 U.S. dollars to 579.72 U.S. dollars.

However, senior analyst at Analysys International, Inc. LI Zhi believe that Baidu is not the biggest beneficiary, Google search in the China market accounted for 36% of the share, there will be some out of the search market, the entry into other fields.

Analysis pointed out that independent business operations Tencent Soso is perhaps the biggest winner. Tencent Soso only recently developed, namely the fourth quarter of last year's search engine market in the mainland accounted for fourth place, behind Baidu, Google, Sogou. In addition, Taobao launched an independent search engine, may also be given greater opportunities for development.

The world's first search engine to withdraw from China

Since the January 12 release could pull out of Google's headquarters since the news of China, all kinds of rumors, arguments have been endless, after there were reports that Google intends to permanently shut down and these two domain names, and from March 23 midnight, the rumor became a reality, Beijing time at 3:00 on March 23 3 pm, Google's senior vice president, chief legal officer David Drummond public statement, once again accused of assault by hackers China declared an end to Google search services in China "filter review" will search service transferred to Hong Kong from mainland China. Now when a user visits Google, the top two in mainland China to use the domain name will automatically jump to Google Hong Kong Domain Name

Currently Google Hong Kong web access speed is still relatively normal jump went very smoothly, according to statistical analysis of the growth of independent third-party data service providers CNZZ on statistical data, this morning,company formation using the Google search engine, visit the Web site visitor ratio and normal-phase compared with little change, as of today at 12 noon, google engine traffic to our site, the relative output of yesterday's decline of just 1.5%, and Google in China, the provision of other services such as maps, mail and advertising alliances business web pages also can be normally open, and its access speed, the page normally open rates and other issues involving the key index of the user experience does not change, accustomed to using Google services, the user is temporarily not yet had a noticeable impact.

According to Yahoo news channel quoted the Associated Press reports that Google will move in China's search engine services, but Google will remain music, Google services such as hot table, and iGoogle, as well as in China's technical and sales offices in order to Internet users in mainland China for technical support services and to continue to the Chinese version of the search engines sales support. The employees of Google China's future whereabouts not yet been announced, Google and its advertising partners, the future of cooperation is still not a clear statement.

Google since 2006 by enabling domain name has been officially entered China, after almost four years of development, China accounted for only 20% of the total search volume around the world with Google accounts for 70% of the total search share a far cry from the ratio of . This shows that, following Japan, South Korea, the past, so smooth in the United States and Europe in Google lost again in East Asia, Google services, and promotion in East Asia and its major competitors in all countries there is a huge gap.

On Google China, its localization process is slow and can not meet China's social environment and the majority of Internet users use the practice is that it can not account for most of China's search market share of the main reasons. Of course, precisely because of its low market share, its revenue in China in its global small proportion of total receipts, so that Google can be it claims a number of other reasons to make a decision to withdraw from the Chinese search market.

Google in East Asia has once again reminded the fate of multinational enterprises and regions in each country according to the user's habits and the local social conditions to develop operating and product development strategy. If you do not respect the realities on the ground, no matter how famous, how advanced the technology, the companies are sure to lead to failure of the results.

Because Google is not entirely out of the exit, the Chinese search engine market is temporarily not yet undergone great changes in the future there may be further changes, CNZZ will continue to monitor developments in time relevant data, for the relevant practitioners provide authoritative and reliable The data support.

Google tomorrow will hide where

March 23 morning, Google announced to stop in accordance with Chinese law against harmful information filtering, search services, go to Hong Kong from mainland China. At this point, since January 12 this year, has been stirred up by Google's "Google to withdraw from China" event seems to have an end. But this conclusion makes surprise, Google's actions not only failed to show a multinational should be mature, and even a little child like childish pique.

Because offshore company has been to politicize the issue of commercial high-profile of Google, and not as it had spread as truly "out of China", but its business transferred to Hong Kong on the mainland. Earth people know that Hong Kong is part of China, even if the SAR different from the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong also binding on the business of legal wrongdoing, but somewhat more robust. If one of Google's business practices contrary to local laws in Hong Kong, the Government and certainly not the case; if Google someday companies in Hong Kong also were attacked by hackers, and say that they are government-sponsored Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Government will probably not dry.

This point, is also Google's fellow colleagues in China, Microsoft has developed two decades much more than it wants to awake. January 25, Microsoft founder Bill Gates on the Google event to accept the U.S. media, there was a right that Google's behavior puzzles, did not know "They are trying to say?" Gates said, "You have to make a decision : If you are willing to abide by the laws in your country, you can leave business, unwilling to comply, where you do business may not have a good ending. "Gates also stressed that:" A person may not agree with China law, but almost all countries have some of the controversial nature of the law or policy, including the United States. "" Now, if Google to opt out of the United States, that I did admire it. "Gates, if not without irony.

Google is indeed the decisions made now, "admired", but if Google continues to develop this concept, it can hide in Hong Kong today, tomorrow and then a problem where it does have to hide?

Google the world's hot out of the United States proposed the media: Google China lost only one dark

It is published in the March 23 "Global Times" reported that last weekend, the official Xinhua News Agency and other Chinese media, almost simultaneously published an article criticizing Google. This is described as CNN, Google China's official media launched a new round of "collective fire." BBC said, "Clearly, the Xinhua News Agency articles have clearly read between the lines showing the Beijing government on the Google approach angry feelings."

Some U.S. media also use Google incident in strong words criticizing China. "San Francisco Chronicle," 22, "China will be Google as the U.S. government pawns," the article said Google's withdrawal would be "playing the green eyes of China", so that it becomes more difficult to attract foreign investment, because people will remember Google experience everything. The article said the U.S. business community has been felt that to expand their business in China is becoming increasingly difficult. However, a West Chamber of Commerce are on the "Global Times" said that the foreign business environment in China, Google is not a result of the incident worse or better, there is no causal relationship between the two company formation.

The U.S. "Washington Post" article 19, or even triggered a fierce debate among the media. The article said that the Chinese people, the loss of Google means that only darkness. If China does not compromise on the Google is bound to move toward closure and self-marginalization, also could be a such as the 1989-like social unrest. 21, the U.S. Chinese-language media, "Sing Tao Daily" published, entitled "Google's China is not only dark," the editorial, diametrically opposed to refute the "Washington Post" argument. The editorial said, according to the article ideas, Google today occupy certain market share in China, after they attempted its that it was "irreplaceable" status request to change the rules of the game to force the Chinese government to change the internet laws and regulations, this trend gained momentum is very easy to cause think of the mid-Qing, by ships and armament of the powers to open the door to China. Questioned Google put on a "You can not be without me" attitude is to expect that China will friendly gestures, or is to make China at arm's length?

Russia's "News" 20 said Google wanted to quit to force China to change the law to relax the control of the network, it is simply impossible that China will never allow foreign interference in its internal affairs. Russia's "Herald" quoted critics as saying that Google will completely withdraw from China cut off its escape route, the future may not be able to have the opportunity to re-enter the Chinese market.

Research Center of Tsinghua University, director of economic diplomacy He Maochun 22, said that Google did not figure out a mistake in not who their opponent, its opponent was not the Chinese government but the other network operators, the Chinese government is just the game referee, Google has been and referees seriously, if the "appearance", its original market opportunities and leaving the others were all that they do not get any compensation. China Institute of Contemporary International Relations Research Center, director of economic security, said Jiang Yong, the current world is not to leave the one who will not go off, and out of China will be Google's sad. Google should be clear regret in this world can not buy medicine.

Post-Google era of network marketing structure prediction

Google went to Hong Kong's new home is known as out of Google in China to Hong Kong in the final to stay, say that this is a wish to take further actions to stay, because Hong Kong belongs to China. Therefore, Google's departure was not thorough, it was reported that Google will retain the R & D personnel and sales staff, which also expressed from another point of view Google's offshore company ambiguous.

The pattern of the search market will soon appear Rush

Baidu Google, Soso, Sogou proper way and even Thunder dogs are search engine Baidu, but generally agreed that Google will be after the departure of the biggest beneficiaries, but in reality left by Google's search engine market share in a large part of will be out of search engine market, the Chinese Internet market into various segments, the reason is understandable.

Because of China's total market size in terms of search engine, Google's existing market space in addition to being Baidu, Sogou, as well as search operators, search and other search engines divide, the Alibaba "China Supplier", Dunhuang foreign service providers, networks, etc. Taobao Ali's mother, Union, and Eqifa results and other affiliate advertising network platform operator will also benefit from this.

Show cars net auto supplies Mall Marketing Director, China Mobile Research Institute, said experts, Zhuang Shuai, Baidu Soso, another competitor will also be a major beneficiary of the same type of Sogou Ethics in the search portal's certainly not turn a blind eye cake, on-line once heard Charles Zhang main work in 2010 found the dog's argument

Last year, Tencent Soso free from dependence on Google technology, began to do an independent search, which also indirectly illustrates the importance Tencent right Soso, after all, Tencent never lack customers. The introduction of QQ Pinyin input method also means that Tencent did want to Soso well, because the input method indirectly reflects the user's search habits.

With Google's departure in 2010, this post-Google era of the Chinese search market, surely will not be calm. The gaps left by Google and will allow the portal to Rush!

From left to see Google's innovative online marketing tools

For ordinary users, the search engine is just a tool, someone's easy to use, about who can more accurately make use of someone's thing, and this became a necessity, but in recent years, the rise of search engine marketing is directed against this most the expansion of the basic principles, including SEO, keyword advertising, bidding on behalf of ranked search marketing will produce changes in a specific operation (since the algorithm will differ due to platform changes) can be expected to rely on Google survival of a group of the individual owners, network marketers will face survival test.

While many companies sites, search engine marketing is not for the line, many people still believe that the construction site, buy keyword advertising is a search engine marketing than before, but the actual effect of view, often the search engine "marketing" in many companies do not effect, cast a keyword advertising, the company's network marketing, the result is still not optimistic.

Google's big deal merely another platform for departure only. But the platform does not mean that change can be innovative.

Show Car Network, Marketing Director, China Mobile Research Institute expert Zhuang Shuai said that in practice search engine marketing network marketing part of the scope of network marketing actually covers a very broad, web mail, forum marketing, online advertising are all network marketing category. Internet Marketing and means there are still many areas, such as car shows and the networks on the CDC, car world cooperation and build a channel from the general online shopping mall and into the site's content production, and Ping An Bank will be carried out in cooperation sale marketing, which all belong to Internet Marketing category.

Southwest drought would not push the national CPI growth

Southwest drought could affect the country for the price of this issue, the National Development and Reform Commission deputy director of the weekly prices Wang Jun 24, In an interview with "Economic Information Daily," an exclusive interview with reporters, said Southwest drought on rice, rapeseed, sugar, tobacco, offshore company little effect on the price of tea, and sugar crops, tobacco, tea in the CPI in the proportion of very small changes in its price will not push CPI higher.

Zhou Wang Jun said that throughout the drought-stricken areas in accordance with the requirements of State Flood Control Headquarters, and strengthen various measures, the full drought mitigation, the impact of drought on food production will be further reduced. At the same time, the state departments are further increasing the intensity of the southwest arid grain transportation, drought-hit areas of grain market supply is fully guaranteed.

Since autumn 2009, China's southwest and other parts of the low precipitation, temperature high, a sustained drought. Recently, the drought are still developing trend. However, Zhou Wang Jun noted that the drought in south-west while on the local late autumn crop production and the market have a certain influence, but little effect on rice prices across the country.

"Drought every year, every year on food production have a certain impact, this area is significantly smaller than that of cultivated land affected by the drought last year, and the drought have limited impact on the nation's food production." Zhou Wang Jun said.

Data show that at present, the country affected by drought, land area ratio of less than 50% a year earlier. Last year, grain production in north China, northeast, the main producing areas in the serious drought and other natural disasters, are still under the influence of the first 6 years in a row harvest.

At the same time, drought in the southwest while serious, but the southwest is not a major grain-producing areas, including the worst-hit Yunnan Province of food production and consumption, respectively, the country accounted for only 2.7%, 2.5%. According to an agricultural condition monitoring, soil moisture this year's major grain producing areas in the last 10 years, the best year.

"The drought in autumn last year the beginning until the present, the drought was mainly affecting wheat, barley and other winter crops sowing, spring sowing of rice and other crops, little impact." Zhou Wang Jun on the "Economic Information Daily," told reporters.

Of rapeseed, the southwest region of Yunnan Province, the hardest hit is not the main producing areas of rapeseed, the rapeseed production accounts for only 2% of the country; in Sichuan province affected by the drought are mainly non-rapeseed, the main producing areas. Of domestic edible oil consumption, 60% relied on imports. Sharply this year's global oil output, of which soybean production is expected to increase 45 million tons, an increase of 21%, international market there is downward pressure on fuel oil prices, affected by, the domestic edible oil prices would not rise sharply.

Sugar areas, Zhou Wang Jun said, Southwest drought of the sugar production and domestic sugar prices will have a certain influence, but the direct consumption of small consumers of sugar, sugar price fluctuations little impact on consumers.

According to reports, Guangxi, Yunnan is China's main sugar cane producing areas, taking into account the sugar cane is a drought-tolerant crops, the drought on the local sugar cane production will have a certain influence, but little impact, a preliminary estimate of 5 provinces in the southwest of the national production of sugarcane cut the impact of the amount of about 13%.

Affected by the international price of sugar fell sharply in recent days than the domestic price of sugar per ton earlier this month decreased by 300-400 yuan. International market, sugar prices will help alleviate the pressure on domestic sugar prices. Sugar is mainly used as food industrial raw materials consumption. Sugar food industry in general is the use of sugar as an ingredient, sugar, sugar, food enterprises occupy the cost of the total cost share of the small sugar prices on the cost of doing business with the sugar foods role in promoting the corresponding smaller. At the same time, due to fierce competition in the food industry, products, a wide range of similar products among different enterprises an alternative strong sugar prices lead directly to food businesses to improve their existing product prices is unlikely. Thus, sugar prices have little effect on the vast number of consumers.

Leaf area, Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces of tobacco production area accounts for about 55% of the total domestic production. Between late April each year in mid-May is the period of transplanting tobacco seedlings. If the current drought continued until late May after the Southwest will lead to a substantial cut or leaf crops; if obvious before the end of May precipitation, farmers of other crops to compensate for lost production, may increase tobacco production, leading to overcapacity in tobacco.

"At present, the domestic tobacco stocks to meet the industrial enterprises in the past two and a half of the amount of cigarette production. Even if tobacco production is declining dramatically this year, the southwest, it will not affect the domestic tobacco supply, will not lead to higher cigarette prices." Zhou Wang Jun said.

Tea, although tea production in Yunnan Province drought have greater impact, but tea consumption elasticity, price increases little effect on ordinary consumers.

According to statistics, Yunnan Province, China's total tea production accounts for about 13%, of which spring tea tea production in the province accounted for 25% to 30%. Yunnan Province Agriculture Department estimated this year's spring and the province will cut about 50% due to drought, of which spring tea Puer cut about 60%. Affected by the recent purchase price of Pu'er tea has surged more than 20%.

"As the domestic tea production accounts for the proportion of the total output of tea for less than 4%, and the current inventory glut, drought cut production will not affect the market supply." Zhou Wang Jun said.

MSN online status shows offline recovery has nothing to do with pushing a new version of

MSN China - related science and technology executives said today to Tencent, MSN online status shows offline fault has been resolved, disclose the specific reasons.

It is understood that a large number of User, pointed out yesterday at noon began to log on MSN Messenger, the obvious that they are online friends have shown that he is "offline", the situation is serious, MSN has a whole line of off-line list. Strong dust storm broke out in China in April the possibility of large.

Microsoft XP and Vista, part of the User that clearly sign MSN, obviously online, there is no set "offline" friends can not see him, and the computer rebooted, the network also re-connected, but still can not fix MSN login offline problem.

A net friend questioned Microsoft MSN servo is being carried out maintenance work, there are User speculation, MSN offline function is to join the MSN 8.0 version, there are probably an older version of MSN with the new version of MSN does not drive, Microsoft action in forcing us to do upgrades.

This, MSN China's relevant person in charge, said yesterday, MSN China has taken note of this issue and has reported to the U.S. headquarters in this world have emerged in many parts of MSN online status display anomalous situation, not just China, users were impact.

Today, the person in charge confirmed that MSN online status shows offline fault has been resolved, but its part of the server related configuration anomalies and launched a new version of MSN does not claim to be caused by failure to comment, saying only that disclose the specific reasons.

It is understood that since 2006, MSN has a number of breakdowns, and downtime longer. Some analysts have pointed out, MSN server, mostly in North America, while in China, with the server, but it relates to operational aspects, MSN China's technical team is still often can not intervene to resolve.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Facebook Zuckerberg puzzle

Less than a year ago, wave after wave of criticism is to the young Facebook founder and CEO Make Zha Ekberg (Mark Zuckerberg) hit. His management decision-making suffered the outside world, the website re-design of the page seem awkward to service agreement companies accused of "King terms" ... ... Some people even ask, Zuckerberg is not able to leave.

A year later, Company formation criticism and doubts have vanished into thin air. Facebook has already turned around gorgeous: cash flow to positive faster than expected, the user capacity of up to 400 million, asset valuation of approximately 15 billion U.S. dollars, just the past week, visited for the first time goes beyond Google, just a few days ago, "Xiao Qiang CEO "Zuckerberg also yong was the 57th Cannes International Advertising Festival awards the annual media figures, most recently, more lead," Forbes, "the newly established" youngest Rich List. "

To industry sources, these changes reflect the Zuckerberg is maturing, and his decision-making increasingly firm. Science and Technology website VentureBeat Zuckerberg had conducted a combing, interpretation of this "youngest billionaires," evolution path.

Facebook board observer, venture capital firm Greylock Partners David Sze David Adams then said that the investment will be observed Zuckerberg start Facebook, perhaps I underestimated his ability. "I just invest the time that Mark is one million years pick one. Now I think he should pick a trillion years."

To challenge the limits of love, "Xiao Qiang CEO"

In Facebook, people are shouting Zuckerberg, "Zach." He always want to show those qualities made him a leader, full of sense of competition. Time, he bet with the engineer said that a week to complete 5,000 push-ups, Zach vowed to himself to do it, but others are skeptical, odds are 30:1, Zuckerberg has insisted that it is very easy to achieve目标. He therefore regular breaks every day to do 10-15 push-ups, including one time during meetings with the visitors.

Finally, he did.

Zach has been dubbed the ascetic. He made no secret of never declared himself to participate in Party. People think that he and Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Youyi Pin: a high degree of self-discipline and focus.

Ultimately, Zuckerberg about the company's vision (he considers this idea in a few decades dollars) so that he would prefer to bet huge, high-risk bet. He has implemented web site revision, invite widespread protest, but after fine-tuning, the protests have disappeared. Another example involves the terms of service last year, the controversial events. He did not choose to delete the rapid money involved in the controversy over personal privacy, but instead a thorough revision of the terms of service, and called on user participation.

Colleagues compared the Pali Ha Pi Diya put the Zuckerberg Michael Jordan (Michael Jordan), "Jordan was not born to become a great basketball player. He was in practice made of Lilian. Make Zha Ekberg is going through evolution, but will evolve to become one of the greatest CEO. He will establish a evergreen business, to create enduring value. However, this will be an evolutionary process. "

Ruthless elitism

Zuckerberg has designed a ruthless appointment system: each employee from 1 to 5 as 5, if anyone's rating is 1 or 2 will soon be dismissed. Related to this is that the early co-founders and executives of the continuous left, chief technology officer Adam D'Angelo Adam Deanjieluo and co-founder of Markowitz (Dustin Moskovitz) is one of two. They are not expelled, but feel that they have lost their passion, or no longer suitable for the job. An employee who said, "Every person has a clear path, Zuckerberg will use them according to their values, and then kicked the side." However, if the those who remain in the company of people to evaluate this matter they will have a different view: This is cruel, "Silicon Valley-style elitism", there is a natural talent and hard work of people climb to the top.

Sundberg, "stability" era of

Facebook a time to become the coolest company in Silicon Valley, but the strange thing is, as of 2007, Facebook's staff that they do not enjoy much fun. An insider recalls, when the Facebook was a "madhouse," people compete for jobs, and then anxiety, feeling the pressure, finally run out of enthusiasm.

Until March 2008, Zuckerberg hired from Google Xie Li Ersang Goldberg served as COO, also put the stability brought to Facebook. One investor said that the evidence is that "they look more vibrant, happier." Some had never thought to leave the Google employees to join Facebook. "I have a friend in Google said that they felt that life for the first time, Facebook if they do not work, it just does not like what the children." Now, 20% of Facebook employees came from Google.

Stupid is meant to reward

Zuckerberg is increasingly recognized that any human behavior is to reward the final analysis. Zuckerberg will be based on different excitement to motivate their employees, for example to the engineers to develop the best products, business executives will receive bonuses. Zuckerberg also a breakthrough in conventional complementary programs. Most of Silicon Valley companies will grant employees a set of stock options, the performance of outstanding employees also receive bonuses, but few people have the opportunity to increase the stock options.

In Facebook, if you are good at to meet the project objectives, you can get in a year and a half to double stock options. Based on user traffic and revenue growth of the overall performance of different companies, but also receive additional bonuses. But this is also the cruel side: the manager must subordinates ratings. More Machiavelli-style managers will be told the staff that location. If the 10 person team ranked 10th, you know what is dangerous.

Focus on execution, innovation and high-stakes

Zuckerberg bought Friendfeed, because this is a talent-based team. In Silicon Valley, a well known fact is that engineers, the normal distribution curve is quite steep personnel, an outstanding engineers can more than mediocre ten times the efficiency of engineers. One is more talented engineers is crucial for Facebook, Zuckerberg naturally well versed in this art. Facebook is not only concerned about the IQ and the employing GPA, is also concerned about an individual can persist in the end, make a difference. Facebook is also a valued element of creativity. R & D personnel employed Firefox (Blake Ross) and the Friendfeed team is the best example.

Zuckerberg creatively invented a "growth VP" - is responsible for business growth and the international vice president of marketing, from search Pi Diya Chamath Palihapitiya served. Zuckerberg had misgivings about the creation of this post, because it would mean the company's R & D focus from the core functions transferred to the data and focus instead on how users use the site, and how to share from a click on the link to click on the button, and then accordingly adjust the product features.

Zuckerberg and Pali Ha Pi Diya what is most often discussed in driving growth is the user at the beginning of a number of friends, or viral marketing. That the Pali Ha Pi Diya is a viral marketing. So they decided to two-pronged approach, the results of a big success, achieve accelerated growth.

In the Pali Ha Pi Diya previous post was not sufficient to demonstrate skills, until it was Zuckerberg gave him a chance to prove himself. His "transformation" from Facebook a huge success of the personnel reserve team, Facebook, more than ever ready to bear the risk of.

write by oceanseoprojection

Experts believe that: Cultural respect is the prerequisite for urban and rural areas and harmonious interaction

"In the pursuit of traditional wisdom and modern life the process of harmonious development of urban and rural areas to follow the interaction of social equity, cultural respect and cultural preservation principles." Ministry of Culture, Folk Literature and Art Development Center Director Li Song recently as "a harmonious development of urban and rural interaction "as the theme of the Expo Forum, said.

Li Song that, in order to urban culture as the dominant social and cultural environment, the "interaction" at the cultural level is often a "backward" rural culture to the sophisticated urban culture learning process. Cities are the expectations of the majority of rural people into the living space, is a model and standards; economic backwardness in people's subconscious, is a synonym for cultural backwardness, relatively more traditional village culture often associated with feudalism, superstition, close contact is the need to improve " quality "of the object; the same time, rural areas provide space for agricultural and sideline products, is available for urban use of cheap labor source, there is the urban environment of scarce ecological resources, cultural heritage available in rural areas is also a poverty alleviation targets, there is need to help The rear of women and children, that should be back region.

"Cities are in leading the way rural development, access to resources, and given out under the concept of compassion, it is easy to make rural-urban interactions become a worrying one-way causal relationship will lead to valuable cultural and ecological resources in the rural collapse . "Li Song said," So, fair treatment of our village, in the material interests of the feedback on the city to avoid the access to resources in rural areas has once again become the object; adhere to the principle of cultural respect, to avoid the superficial, fragmented culture, use of resources. "

Li Song said that culture is the culture of the holder of the culture, cultural development of the main body should have the initiative, "the most important matter, it could really make these cultural resources in development, protection and conservation, the protection can be renewed support and help. "

Teng medium-heavy in the acquisition of Hummer

Is similar to a successful marriage, failed marriage, then each have their own misfortune .

Began last year Teng private enterprises in Sichuan Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Heavy-teng) attempted to marry a wealthy woman left - the U.S. subsidiary of General Motors, Hummer that a marriage, somewhat like the field "farce", which will eventually Teng ended in heavy industry to withdraw.

The early morning of February 25, Teng in heavy industry, offshore company announced that without the support of the Chinese regulatory authorities, will terminate acquisition of the U.S. subsidiary of General Motors Hummer business.

The two companies had planned to the end of February before the Chinese Lunar New Year Lantern Festival which is to complete the transaction. At one time, Teng in the Heavy side also expressed the hope that through the establishment of offshore companies in the form of transactions to avoid the Chinese government's approval and ultimately unable to do so.

In the statement, in Heavy Teng said, "to respect this result, but can not complete this transaction are very sorry." Teng Yang Yi, general manager of Heavy Industries declined to comment further on the phone, loss of emotional obvious.

Almost at the same time cancel the deal, General Motors announced that it will start off Hummer business process. This shows from another angle, to give up the acquisition Hummer, for Teng may not be one of Heavy Industry is the worst outcome.

Blocked approval

Although Lang affectionate concubine interested in, but from the beginning, the marriage would not be "parents" or be "friends" optimistic.

June 3, 2009, Teng in the Heavy and General Motors announced that they have acquired the Hummer brand to reach a memorandum of understanding. Prior to that, even in the field of heavy machinery, Teng Ji Ji in heavy industry is also unknown, but has never been involved in automotive manufacturing. News, people doubt that both the company's motives, do not believe in their ability to raise 150 million U.S. dollars acquisition of funds, but more suspect after the completion of its acquisition of cross-border operation capacity.

In accordance with the Chinese government foreign investment regulations, the transaction value of more than 100 million U.S. dollars in overseas investment projects that require the same time, the State Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange approval. July 15, 2009, the National Development and Reform Commission officials in charge of the Foreign Investment Department, said Teng in the Heavy Industries has received applications for acquisition of Hummer.

However, a month after the August 27, the National Development and Reform Commission as "the acquisition does not involve the Hummer localization does not belong to the scope of Development and Reform Commission for approval," returned the grounds that the vetting of applications, the proposed change by the business department.

The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for approving foreign investment projects of a source, at the national Development and Reform Commission for approval to return the application, Tang met with the representatives of the Heavy Industries, a vice mayor of Deyang City, Sichuan Province, together with the approval of the Ministry of Commerce issues a transaction. But since then has not submitted the application. Until the transaction announced the cancellation of the day before the February 24, 2010, Assistant Minister of Commerce Wang Chao at a regular press conference is still said that the Ministry of Commerce has never received a formal application, so there is no "veto applications do."

Are familiar with the government approval process have pointed out that among the different ministries, "pass the buck" has demonstrated the difficulty of the deal through.

National Development and Reform Commission an internal person to the reporter that in recent years, the State Development and Reform Commission for approval of large-scale projects, one in accordance with national industrial policy to promote energy-saving emission reduction, while the Hummer of large displacement, high fuel consumption, claiming its 3.5-liter displacement is usually above the trend inconsistent with the energy-saving; second is to encourage the industry pacesetter bigger and stronger through mergers and acquisitions, but out of M & A failure may have a negative impact to the Chinese government's point of view, the National Development and Reform Commission does not support enterprises cross-industry acquisitions. Prior to that, Blue Star Group's acquisition of Ssangyong blocked one of the reasons is its main industry is engaged in chemical industry, has never set foot in the automotive sector.

The National Development and Reform Commission insiders said the acquisition of Blue Star Group, out of South Korea's Ssangyong Motor trade, China's largest automaker SAIC successfully shares, but subsequently failed integration, making the Government's approval of China's auto companies more overseas acquisitions careful not to say that Tang in the Heavy Industry experience in the automotive industry so there is no enterprise.

Acquisition of doubt

Even in Heavy Teng access to the approval of government departments to support its funding sources and operational capabilities, but also has been plagued by market doubts.

Reached a memorandum of understanding with General Motors, the Tang in the heavy industry once claimed that domestic banks have already received financial support. However, Teng familiar with the investment in heavy industry to industry sources, the Heavy Teng otherwise acquire sources of funding.

The actual controller in Heavy Teng Sonam Dorji, speaking with a heavy accent, Zigong, Sichuan, for others shy and low profile, but the special relationship in the local business community, known as "god." His close relationship with Chengdu in the local army, a case in point is usually out of its usual two cars, which is behind a bodyguard, two cars were hanging the Chengdu Military Region licenses.

With regard to relations with the military, Sonam Dorji received purchase orders from the army promised. He has hand stamped material, to seek funding from other investors, and plans to advance orders for the acquisition of funds.

However, including Bank of China, including domestic bank has not given him financial support. Subsequently, Teng Heavy changed in support for foreign banks, but also without success.

Financing is unfavorable, the approval is meet resistance. February 24, 2010, in the Ministry of Commerce officials once again stand in the heavy industry has not received the application materials Teng when the Tang in the Heavy Industry insiders have said Proton will not easily give up the acquisition of Heavy Hummer will be through the establishment of offshore companies ways to continue to buy.

However, many of the legal profession are to the reporter, said Teng in the heavy industry through the establishment of offshore companies want to bypass the government's approval, there are two major obstacles.

First of all, the establishment of offshore companies must pass the Chinese Ministry of Commerce approval, if the funds from domestic, but also the SAFE approval. Dacheng Law Firm an attorney familiar with the Ministry of Commerce approval process to the reporter, said Guo Jing-Yi in 2008, after the incident, the Ministry of Commerce of China was established for the approval of overseas offshore companies more stringent.

Second, even setting up directly in the foreign offshore company, funded from domestic resources, but as long as the offshore company's controlling shareholder is the Chinese companies still need government permission. U.S. international law firm Baker & McKenzie in China Chief Representative JIA Dian-an explanation to the reporter, even though on the establishment of Chinese citizens overseas offshore companies are not specified, but generally will take into account the relevant provisions of corporate governance.

Since June 2009 announced the acquisition of interest since the Tang in the heavy industry has been unable to explain the acquisition of sources of funding. The legal profession, said the status quo from the approval of view, through the establishment of Proton in the Heavy intended acquisition of Hummer in the form of offshore companies, is basically impossible.